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How does it work?
To be a Mundial certified sharpener, you must already be a sharpener.
Simply fill out the registration form below with the sharpener data and basic information about your skills. It will also be necessary to accept the Terms of Authorization for Use of Image and Processing of Personal Data for publication on the Mundial Website.
Wait for our email with the instructions and shipping address of the sharp product(s). The candidate should send in the pliers or the item according to their technique and use their own equipment. Only the final result of the sharpening will be evaluated.
After the evaluation and approval of our technical area a certificate will be sent along with customized items of the Project Certified Sharpeners, such as: T-shirt, cap, banner, accessory, stickers and others.
Upon receiving these items the sharpener must take a photo with the personalized items and send it for publication on the site. This accreditation and evaluation are free of charge, the costs for sending the pliers will be borne by the Sharpener.

See the advantages of becoming a Mundial Certified Sharpener
- Have your work certified by the largest pliers manufacturer in Brazil, and one of the largest in the world;
- Positioning on the official website and search portal;
- Kit with customized products Mundial Certified Sharpeners;
- Online or face-to-face technical support, when possible;
- Marketing support through social networks;
- Sweepstakes and prizes.
Sign up to become a Mundial Certified Sharpener!
This agreement aims to inform the responsibilities and rights that every Sharpener (hereinafter referred to as “ASSIGNOR/HOLDER”) assumes when registering in the Certified Sharpeners Project, conducted by MUNDIAL S/A PRODUTOS DE CONSUMO, an industrial and commercial company, with headquarters in São Paulo - SP, at Rua do Paraiso, número 148, conjunto 142, registered under CNPJ no. 88.610.191/0001-54, represented in the form of its articles of incorporation and affiliates and subsidiaries, (hereinafter referred to as “ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL”).
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER must carefully read the definitions and terms below before Clicking on “I have read and accept all terms”, such action will confirm that you are in agreement with the terms described below.
ASSIGNOR: an individual who authorizes another individual or legal entity the right to use his/her image.
ASSIGNEE: individual or legal entity that receives the right to use the image of another individual.
LGPD (GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION): Law 13.709/2018 provides for personal data processing, including in digital media, by an individual or by a legal entity governed by public law.
PERSONAL data: information related to an identified or identifiable individual (art. 5, I, LGPD). Personal data used to form the behavioral profile of a given individual, if identified are also considered for the purposes of the law (art. 12, paragraph 2, LGPD).
HOLDER: individual to whom the personal data being processed refers (art. 5, V, LGPD).
PROCESSING: any operation carried out with personal data, such as those related to the collection, production, receiving, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction (art. 5, X, LGPD).
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER, of its own free will, authorizes the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL its affiliates and controlled companies, to use its image in any illustrations, videos, photographs or caricatures referring to the project called "Certified Sharpeners", promoted by the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL, free of charge and for an indefinite period, as of the signature date of this agreement.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER declares to be aware that the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL its affiliates and subsidiaries may use photographs, videos and illustrations with the image of the ASSIGNOR/HOLDER in any way, nationally and internationally, to disseminate the "Certified Sharpeners” project, as well as use the image of the ASSIGNOR/HOLDER in any other media of the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL including but not limited to media, social media, websites, whatsApp, among other means of communication, without this constituting a limitation, and the image of the ASSIGNOR/HOLDER associated with such program may also be disclosed and exposed in any means of dissemination and with an unlimited number of media.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER declares and authorizes the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIALto assign or authorize the publication of such illustrations, videos and/or photographs with the image of the ASSIGNOR/HOLDER to any third party, for the purpose of publication in magazines, newspapers and periodicals in general, always within the context of the "Certified Sharpeners".
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER declares to be the sole holder of all patrimonial and moral rights related to the images whose license to use is the object of this Agreement.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER declares to be aware that this Agreement does not establish between the parties any relationship that implies the assumption of responsibility, by the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL to the ASSIGNOR/HOLDER, of a labor, social security or insurance nature, as well as with the ASSIGNOR/HOLDER's agents, employees or contracted third parties.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER declares and authorizes the use described above without anything being claimed as rights related to its image, exempting the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL its Affiliates and Subsidiaries, for the improper use of the images, whose license is the object of this instrument, captured by third parties in exhibitions and/or reproductions occurred in accordance with the specifications established in this Agreement, from any indemnity for any reason, including, but not limited to, for any sharing or reposting of the images, now assigned to the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL its Affiliates and Subsidiaries during and after the term of this Agreement.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER undertakes to keep in strict confidentiality any and all data, information, documents, technical or commercial specifications, innovations and improvement of the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL, to which it has access as a result of this AGREEMENT, and which are of interest to the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL its Affiliates and Subsidiaries.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDERmay not, under any pretext, disclose, reveal, reproduce, use or make known to third parties outside this Agreement, the information to which it has access, except with prior and express authorization from the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL its Affiliates and Subsidiaries.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER, when signing up for the Sharpeners Project, authorizes the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL, to process its personal data, in accordance with article 7 of Law no. 13.709/2018, in particular under the terms of item I, to disseminate the "Certified Sharpeners" project, including in the ASSIGNEE/MUNDIAL's broadcasts including, but not limited to, media, social media, websites, whatsApp, among other means of communication, with an unlimited number of broadcasts.
The Data Processing authorized through this Agreement may occur during the participation period of the ASSIGNOR/HOLDER in the "Certified Sharpeners" project.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER is aware that this authorization falls within the legal requirements required by the General Personal Data Protection Regulation - LGPD, and the disclosure of their personal data occurs with their consent, expressed freely, expressly and unequivocally.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER may request revocation of the authorization for processing their personal data at any time, upon express request sent to the e-mail: privacidade@mundial.com.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER is aware that their personal data will continue to be processed, provided that, based on one of the legal bases provided for in art. 7 of the LGPD.
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER declares to know and be in accordance with the terms of Mundial's Privacy Policy, available on the website: Mundial SA (www.mundial.com).
The ASSIGNOR/HOLDER declares that MUNDIAL may use its personal data during the entire period of its participation in the sharpeners project, for the purposes listed in this term, and after the end of this period, to comply with a legal obligation or imposed by supervisory bodies, pursuant to article 16 of Law no. 13.709/2018.
In the event that one of the parties demonstrates the intention to terminate the Authorization Agreement for the Use of Image and Personal Data Processing (“Agreement"), the interested Party must, at least 90 (ninety) days in advance, send formal notification to the other Party, which must be duly received to become valid.
The central forum of the city of São Paulo is elected as the only one competent to resolve any doubt or controversy arising from this Agreement, with express waiver of any other, however preferable it may be. This authorization is entered into irrevocably and irreversibly, in two copies of equal content and form.
Terms and Conditions of Use
Updated: May 14, 2024.
Below are the Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms of Use”), a document listing the main rules that must be observed by everyone accessing the websites of MUNDIAL S.A. - PRODUTOS DE CONSUMO, a private legal entity, headquartered at Rua do Paraíso, 148, 14th floor, suite 142, Paraíso, ZIP code 04103-000, São Paulo/SP, registered with the CNPJ under No. 88.610.191/0001-54, and all societies in which it directly or indirectly holds a corporate share (“Mundial” or “we” / “our”).
Any individual or legal entity (“USER”) who intends to use Mundial’s services must accept the Terms of Use and all other policies and principles governing them.
ACCEPTANCE OF THESE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS IS INDISPENSABLE FOR THE USE OF THE SITES AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY MUNDIAL. The USER must read, ensure understanding, and accept all provisions set out in the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy for successful registration as a USER of Mundial's websites.
1.1 The websites were created to allow user contact with us; enable applications for job opportunities at Mundial; facilitate access to invoices and receipts for our clients; enable online product sales; present corporate, financial, and product information of Mundial brands and/or those licensed by it to the interested public.
1.1.1 The websites and their functionalities are presented to the user as they are available, subject to continuous improvements and updates.
1.2 Mundial applies its efforts to the continuous and permanent availability of the websites, being subject to extraordinary events such as natural disasters, failures or collapses in central communication systems and internet access, or third-party acts that escape our sphere of surveillance and responsibility.
1.2.1 The user has no right to demand the availability of the websites and cannot claim compensation or damages if the websites remain offline, regardless of the reason.
2.1 The user undertakes to use the websites only for the purposes presented here, with ethical integrity, always respecting current legislation and the Terms of Use, being responsible for all damages and losses caused.
2.2 It is forbidden for the user to access the programming areas of the websites, their databases, source code, or any other data set available in these environments, as well as to not perform or allow reverse engineering, translate, decompile, copy, modify, reproduce, rent, sublicense, publish, disclose, transmit, lend, distribute, or otherwise improperly dispose of the functionalities of the websites.
2.3 The use of data mining applications (bots, crawler, spider, etc.) of any kind or species, as well as others not typified here but acting similarly, is prohibited.
2.4 In case of violation of any provisions of the Terms of Use, the user must indemnify Mundial and third parties eventually harmed for all losses, damages, including moral or competitive damages, expenses, or other charges caused by such violation, including but not limited to attorney fees and court expenses due to the mentioned violation, in addition to excluding the user's access to the site/portal.
3.1 All news, images, videos, catalogs, and trademarks made available on the site in any language or form are the exclusive property of Mundial or licensed to Mundial. The use of the site does not imply any presumption of transfer of such property or license.
3.1.1 The trademarks displayed on the sites are registered and/or licensed properties of Mundial and cannot be reproduced without the express authorization of the company. Reproduction of the provided content (photographs, videos, catalogs, etc.) is prohibited unless previously authorized in writing by Mundial or if intended for personal use only, without the user acquiring any rights over them.
3.1.2 The user is aware that unauthorized commercial use may incur civil and criminal infractions.
3.2 The user assumes all and any responsibility, of a civil and/or criminal nature, for the misuse of information, texts, graphics, trademarks, works, images, in short, of all and any intellectual property rights available on the sites.
4.1 To use the exclusive functionalities or make a purchase, the user must register on Mundial's website, providing their personal data as requested and adopting a strong password for their identification.
4.2 Registration on the Portal is free and can only be done by individuals over 18 years of age.
4.3 When the registration on the Portal is of a company, its Representative must be an individual over 18 years of age.
4.4 When the USER registers on this Portal, they must provide only truthful and accurate information, committing from then on to keep their data always updated, under penalty of responding civilly and criminally and bearing the damages caused by the use of incorrect or third-party data, regardless of the existence of fault.
4.5 Mundial is not responsible for the veracity of the information provided by its USERS, being their responsibility for its content.
4.6 Mundial may check the veracity of the registration data of a USER at any time. If it finds incorrect or untruthful data among them, or if the USER refuses or fails to send the requested documents, Mundial may block the USER's profile until the irregularity is resolved.
4.7 The USER will access their account through login and password, committing not to inform these data to third parties, being fully responsible for the use made of them.
4.8 We provide the option to register and access our websites with your Facebook login. In this case, certain Personal Data may be shared with this third party. You can always decide whether or not to integrate this information.
4.9 We do not control the policies and practices of any other site or third-party mechanisms.
4.10 The USER undertakes to notify Mundial immediately, through communication certifying receipt by Mundial, about any unauthorized use of their account, as well as unauthorized access by third parties. The USER will be solely responsible for the operations carried out in their account, as access to it will only be possible through the USER's personal password.
4.11 By registering, the internet user declares full knowledge of this document and, likewise, of the Privacy Policy, available in the footer of the Portal, because claiming ignorance will not exempt them from any responsibilities during the use of the Portal.
4.12 Whenever deemed convenient, the USER may change their password and some of their registration data through the Portal's own feature.
4.13 The USER is not required to fill in all the data, but access to certain functionalities depends on specific information, marked and indicated on the registration page and according to their navigation.
5.1 Mundial has its own documents, called the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, which regulate the processing of Personal Data, including those collected on Mundial's websites, being integral and inseparable parts of these Terms of Use and can be accessed in the Privacy Center located at the lower left of Mundial's web pages.
6.1 Without prejudice to other provisions of the Terms of Use, Mundial is not responsible for:
The misuse of the information, instruments, and/or materials made available on the websites, for any purpose, done by the USER, being their full responsibility for any rights' injuries to themselves or third parties caused by this misuse;
Any problems or improper functioning that occur in the USER's devices and equipment, unrelated to the use of the websites;
Any direct or indirect damage caused by third-party events, such as but not limited to hacker attacks, system failures, server or internet connection issues, including actions of software that may damage their physical or logical assets (e.g., viruses and malware) as a result of accessing, using, or browsing the websites, as well as the transfer of data, files, images, texts, or videos contained on the websites; and
The USER's navigation on any external links available on the websites, being their duty to read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the accessed resource.
6.2 The information available to investors does not constitute and does not represent, under any circumstances, a suggestion, indication, or recommendation by Mundial for the purchase, sale, or negotiation of any financial instruments, issued or not by Mundial.
7.1 The Terms of Use are subject to constant improvement and enhancement. Thus, Mundial reserves the right to modify them at any time, according to its purpose or convenience, being the USER's duty to verify them whenever accessing the site.
7.2 Tolerance of any breach of any conditions of these Terms of Use will not constitute a waiver or novation, nor will it prevent Mundial from enforcing these conditions at any time.
7.3 If any provision of the Terms of Use is deemed unenforceable or ineffective, the remainder will continue to apply normally.
7.4 The site is based on the official date and times of Brasília (UTC/GMT - 03:00).
7.5 The Terms of Use will be interpreted by the legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil, in the Portuguese language, and the forum of the District of the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, is elected to settle any controversy, except if specific legislation determines another personal, territorial, or functional jurisdiction.
Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy
Privacy policy
Last updated: May 14, 2024.
This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is the document that demonstrates the commitment of MUNDIAL SA - CONSUMER PRODUCTS, a private legal entity, headquartered at Rua do Paraíso, 148, 14th floor, suite 142, Paraíso, ZIP 04103-000, São Paulo/SP, registered under CNPJ no. 88.610.191/0001-54, and all its directly or indirectly owned subsidiaries, to the privacy and protection of your information.
We, at Mundial, are committed to the privacy and protection of our customers' and partners' personal data. Therefore, we present this Privacy Policy to explain how we collect and use personal data, as well as to inform you of your rights guaranteed by the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados - LGPD) and how to exercise them.
We are constantly working to improve our content and navigation. For this reason, our Policy may undergo updates to reflect the improvements made. Therefore, we recommend periodically visiting this page to stay informed about the changes made.
If you still have any questions about this Policy, feel free to contact us through the contact channel provided in item 7.
Anonymization: The use of reasonable and available technical means at the time of processing, by which data loses the possibility of association, directly or indirectly, with an individual.
Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (Agência Nacional de Proteção de Dados – ANPD): The Federal Government body responsible for ensuring and supervising compliance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD).
Legal bases: These are the legal hypotheses that authorize the processing of personal data by Mundial. For example: your consent, the need to fulfill a legal obligation or a contract we have with you.
Cookies: Small files sent by websites, saved on your device, that store your browsing preferences and some other information to customize navigation according to your profile.
Personal data: Information related to a natural person that allows their identification or makes their identification possible. For example: name, RG number, date of birth, phone number, email, professional information, IP address, geolocation, etc.
Data Protection Officer: The person appointed by us to act as a communication channel between you, Mundial, and the National Data Protection Authority.
IP Address: Abbreviation for "Internet Protocol". It is a set of numbers and letters that identify the device used by you to access our websites.
Applicable Legislation: Legislation on privacy and personal data protection applicable to Mundial's activities, especially concerning the terms of Brazilian Law No. 13.709/18 (LGPD).
Brands: These are the brands of Mundial, existing or that may exist. Currently, we have the following brands owned by Mundial and/or licensed by it: Mundial, Impala, Hercules, Eberle, and Syllent.
Platforms: Websites managed by or for Mundial and its brands.
Data Subject: The natural person to whom the personal data being processed refers, in this case, you.
Processing: Any operation performed with personal data, such as collection, classification, access, use, sharing, transmission, classification, processing, storage, deletion, evaluation, modification, etc.
You: The Data Subject who relates to us, whether as a customer or partner.
1) How we collect and use personal data
Mundial collects personal data in various ways, both physically and virtually, always in accordance with the reason and relationship you have with us.
Personal data may be collected when you interact on our websites, purchase our products, apply for a job opportunity, or maintain a commercial relationship with us, as described below:
What we collect:
• Name;
• Date of birth;
• Marital status;
• Email;
• Phone;
• Gender;
• Full address;
• Purchase information;
• Professional information;
• Special needs;
• Content of communications between us and you.
For what purposes do we collect?
• To identify and authenticate you.
• To properly provide our services and fulfill our contractual obligations with you.
• To enable our interaction with you, including responding to questions, complaints, and requests.
• To process job applications.
• To conduct data analysis, tests, compile statistics, or carry out research and surveys in an anonymized manner, whenever possible.
• To establish commercial partnerships between Mundial and suppliers or customers through contracts.
• To investigate and prevent fraudulent practices, unauthorized access to websites, and other illegal activities.
• For any other purpose specifically informed at the time of personal data collection.
Data collected automatically:
• IP address and Origin Logical Port;
• Device (operating system version);
• Geolocation;
• Date and time records;
• Accessed screens;
• Session ID.
For what purposes do we collect?
• To identify and authenticate you.
• To manage our websites, implement appropriate security measures, including preventing instability.
• To investigate and prevent fraudulent practices, unauthorized access to websites, and other illegal activities.
• To maintain access records, according to the Internet Civil Framework.
We also collect:
• Data related to your browsing and the device you use to access our platforms, automatically, through Cookies.
• Google Analytics: For recording non-identifiable browsing data for analysis. You can learn more about how we use cookies and manage your options in the Privacy Center located at the bottom left of Mundial's websites.
2) With whom are your personal data shared?
We may share personal data in the following situations, through secure processes and respecting the confidentiality of information as much as possible:
• With internal areas and other Mundial companies;
• With service providers or partner companies, to facilitate, provide or execute activities related to the products or services offered by us, including retailers, billing and delivery companies, and server hosting companies, for example;
• With marketing and advertising companies, to deliver promotions and information suitable to your profile;
• With public authorities, whenever there is a legal determination, request, requirement, or judicial/administrative order in this regard; and
• With potential companies in case of corporate restructuring, incorporation, or merger of Mundial.
We provide the option to register and access our e-commerce platforms with your Facebook login. In this case, certain personal data may be shared with this third party. You can always decide whether or not to integrate this information. We do not control the policies and practices of any other site or third-party mechanisms.
Whenever sharing outside the above situations is necessary, we will inform you at the time of personal data collection.
3) International transfer of personal data
Mundial is based in Brazil; however, it may subcontract companies located or processing personal data in other countries. In this case, we will prefer to transfer only to countries that have a level of security similar to that provided by Brazilian legislation, or when the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) authorizes it.
If this is not possible, we will use appropriate contractual clauses to ensure that third parties receiving your personal data comply with LGPD protection standards, as well as the obligations in this policy.
Below are some circumstances in which we may transfer personal data internationally:
• With your authorization;
• To comply with legal or regulatory obligations;
• If necessary for (i) international legal cooperation between public intelligence, investigation, and prosecution bodies, in accordance with international law instruments; (ii) the protection of your or third party's life or physical integrity; (iii) properly executing the contract established with you; or (iv) the execution of public policy or legal attribution of the public service;
• When the national authority authorizes; or
• When the transfer is made to countries whose privacy legislation ensures a level of protection of personal data adequate to that provided in the LGPD.
4) Storage time of personal data
We store personal data only for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes presented, comply with our legal obligations, regulatory obligations, or to preserve rights. Once the storage period has ended, personal data will be anonymized or deleted using a secure disposal method.
You may, at any time, request the deletion of your personal data. However, due to our legal obligations, we may not be able to delete your personal data immediately. If this happens, you will be informed of this impossibility, and your personal data will be deleted at the end of the legal period.
5) Your rights
You, as the Data Subject, have the following rights guaranteed by the LGPD:
• Access - You can request a copy of the personal data we have about you.
• Correction - You can correct your outdated, incomplete, or incorrect personal data.
• Portability - The right to request that the personal data we process be transferred to another service provider in the same field as Mundial, indicated by you.
• Deletion - The right to have your personal data deleted from our databases, except for legal storage hypotheses.
• Anonymization or blocking - The right to request that personal data be anonymized or blocked, temporarily suspending processing.
• Revocation - The right to not give or withdraw your consent and obtain information about the consequences of this choice. In this case, some services may not be provided.
• Information about sharing - The right to know which public and private entities we share your personal data with.
• Objection - You can object to processing activities that do not depend on consent. In this case, it is possible to request their interruption.
• Confirmation of processing - The right to confirm whether we process any of your personal data.
In case of requests or questions about the above rights, access the Privacy Center at the bottom left of Mundial's websites. Remember to identify yourself appropriately and clearly indicate your request.
6) How are personal data protected?
We apply procedural, technical, and physical measures that help prevent the loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of personal data.
Despite this, it is possible for third parties, beyond our control, to intercept or illegally access transmissions or personal data. You are also responsible for keeping your personal data confidential and should be aware that sharing passwords and access data violates this Policy and may compromise the security of your personal data and websites.
When browsing our websites, you may access third-party pages or platforms, which may collect your personal data and have their own privacy policy. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of third parties or the content of any sites or services linked to environments other than ours.
7) Contact channel with Mundial
In case of questions, comments, or suggestions, you can contact our Data Protection Officer - Adriene dos Santos Trindade Vallini, via email: privacidade@mundial.com
Cookie Policy
Last updated: May 14, 2024.
This Cookie Policy (“Policy”) is the document that demonstrates the commitment of MUNDIAL SA - CONSUMER PRODUCTS, a private legal entity, headquartered at Rua do Paraíso, 148, 14th floor, suite 142, Paraíso, ZIP 04103-000, São Paulo/SP, registered under CNPJ no. 88.610.191/0001-54, and all its directly or indirectly owned subsidiaries, in providing users of our websites with an even more transparent experience fully compliant with current data protection legislation. To this end, we explain the concept of Cookies, how they are used to improve your browsing, and the customization options available.
Cookie Preferences
Cookies are small digital files in text format stored on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) by the internet browser, which store information related to your preferences, such as preferred language, location, session recurrence, and other variables that site developers consider relevant to make your experience much more efficient.
What are cookies for?
Cookies serve to enhance your experience in terms of performance and usability, as the content provided will be tailored to your needs and expectations. Cookies can also be used to generate anonymous statistics that allow us to understand how visitors use the site and to improve its structures and content. Because they are anonymous statistics, it is not possible to identify you personally through this data. Additionally, cookies can be used for online marketing, directing advertising content to better fit your profile.
What types of cookies does Mundial use?
We use two types of cookies on the site: Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies.
• Session Cookies: Temporary cookies that remain stored until you leave the site or close the browser.
• Persistent Cookies: Cookies that remain stored on your device until they are deleted (the time the cookie remains on the device depends on its "lifetime" and your internet browser settings). These cookies are used during visits to the site, showing the most relevant and personalized content according to your interests.
Cookies (Session or Persistent) can be categorized according to their function:
• Necessary Cookies: Allow navigation and use of applications, as well as access to secure areas of the site. Without these cookies, the site does not function properly.
• Analytical Cookies: Collect anonymous statistical data to analyze site usage and performance. This type of cookie is essential to maintaining positive performance, such as understanding the most popular pages and verifying the reasons for errors on pages. These cookies do not collect any personal data.
• Functional Cookies: Used to ensure the availability of additional site functionalities or to save user preferences when browsing the internet, whenever using the same device. They can be set by us or by external providers whose services we have added to our sites. By rejecting these cookies, some or all functionalities may not work properly.
• Marketing Cookies: Provide information about user interaction with our site's content, helping us better understand the effectiveness of our email and website content, and also direct advertising according to your interests, helping measure the success of applications and advertising effectiveness of partners. They can be activated on our sites or our advertising partners' sites.
You can modify your privacy preferences at any time.
We provide a tool on our Sites, the Privacy Center, which can be accessed at the bottom left of the web page, where you can configure your privacy options by clicking on the cookie preferences tab (except mandatory cookies, those necessary for communication transmission and proper functioning of the Site).
The Privacy Center will be available whenever you visit our sites; however, in case of unavailability (e.g., inactivity, error, no permission for Javascript, etc.), you can change cookie preferences directly in your browser.